Thorfinn's Resilience in Vinland Saga Season 2 

Thorfinn displays immense willpower, withstanding Drott's punches just to secure a meeting with Canute 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

Unmoved King Canute 

Canute remains unimpressed by Thorfinn's perseverance, denying his peace offer and demanding him to abandon Ketil’s farm. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

Thorfinn's Staggering Endurance 

Despite the setback from Snake, Thorfinn withstands sixty-eight more punches from Drott. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

Face to Face with Canute 

Thorfinn finally meets Canute, urging him to spare Ketil's farm. His plea, however, falls on deaf ears. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

A Duel to the Death? 

In a twist of events, Canute challenges Thorfinn to a deadly duel. His men surround Thorfinn and Einar. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

The Excitement Continues: Episode 23 

Titled 'Two Paths', Episode 23 of Vinland Saga Season 2 will be released on Monday, June 12th, 2023. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

What to Expect in Episode 23 

Fans anticipate Thorfinn's response to Canute's challenge and his pursuit of peace to protect Ketil’s farm. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR

The Journey Continues 

In 'Two Paths', Thorfinn's captivating journey continues. His story promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. 

Date - 06-06- 2023                  Author - GSR