McKenna Grace has been in a number of horror films and other ventures, including Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Captain Marvel.

Actress McKenna Grace is assisting in telling the true story of the horrors a family experienced at the hands of a person they trusted. 

Jan Broberg was a producer on A Friend of the Family

Providing Grace with first-hand insight into her experiences as a victim of Robert Berchtold's kidnappings. 

On October 6th, Peacock will air the world premiere of A Friend of the Family.

Based on true events, A Friend of the Family tells the story of the Broberg family

Whose daughter Jan was kidnapped several times over the course of a few years by a seductive and infatuated "friend." 

The Brobergs, who were very religious and involved in their community,

Were blindsided by their neighbor's cunning methods to take advantage of their weaknesses, alienate them, and turn their daughter against them.