Cher's Relationship with Alexander AE Edwards Helped Ease the Pain of Her Mom's Death

The music industry source calls the ring a "Nice and beautiful gift," despite Cher's "THERE R NO WORDS" Instagram post.

Cher tweeted after Christmas that she woke up with her new diamond ring and forgot her mother had died.

Cher and Edwards initially fueled dating speculations when they were pictured holding hands in Los Angeles on Nov. 2.

"LOVE DOESN'T KNOW MATH, IT SEES," Cher tweeted after the outing.

"The age difference for Cher is a bonus and not a concern," says the music business source of Edwards.

Cher tweeted "Happy New Year, Daddy" with two photos of her new jewellery on New Year's Day.

On The Kelly Clarkson Show, Cher said, "On paper, the new partnership appears kind of absurd," but "In real life, we get along fine."